What sugary delight could possibly outdo a midnight munchie like a fluffy chocolate mousse? Add a dollop of whipped cream on there? Oh, you betcha! This cream charger recipe is so delectably creamy, it's like a cozy nightcap for your taste buds. It's our all-time fave, no doubt Jbout it!



  • 200g Finely Chopped Dark Chocolate
  • 150ml Double Cream 100ml Water
  • 40g Icing Sugar
  • Flake chocolate to garnish


  • 1 Kiwi Catering Whipped Cream Dispenser (1000ml)
  • 2 Kiwi Catering Cream Chargers


  1. Combine the chocolate, water and icing sugar in a medium sized bowl and place it on top of a pan filled with hot water on the stove top on low heat. Stir until everything melts.
  2. Remove the bowl from the heat and add the cream to the mixture and whisk until smooth.
  3. Pour the mixture into a whipped cream dispenser and charge the whipper with two chargers.
  4. Shake the cream dispenser 30 times and release into serving glasses
  5. Decorate as desired, with chocolate crumbles or flakes. Serve immediately.
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Aug 12, 2024